Triple recognition for the Guerre et Paix en Ardennes Museum
Publié le 01/23/2018 - 12:08
The “Centenary” label created by the Centenary Mission
Its official inauguration, scheduled for Monday 22 January 2018, is now part of the official national Centenary programme and will therefore be shown in the Centenary diary of events available on the Internet portal
The “Centenary” label created by the Centenary Mission is used to highlight the most innovative and structuring projects for the territories. It is a sign of quality that guarantees that the Museum has been recognised as a major facility supporting the original message and gives it extra national and international visibility.
This recognition is added to the patronage of two other prestigious institutions that have agreed to officially associate themselves with the Museum launch: The United States World War One Centennial Commission and The Royal Canadian Legion.
The United States World War One Centennial Commission was founded by the American Congress in 2013 to plan, develop and initiate projects and activities to commemorate the centenary of the First World War. For the “WWICC”, the centenary is an opportunity to remind American citizens of the causes, the sequence of events and the consequences of the war and to pay tribute to the heroism and sacrifice of the American soldiers who served during the conflict.
The Royal Canadian Legion is the largest veterans and community services organisation in Canada. The Royal Canadian Legion looks after all the men and women who have served their country by helping and upholding the cause of the veterans and commemorating their sacrifice. Through its Remembrance Day ceremonies, the Poppy campaign, the commemorative activities, the education programmes for the young and much more besides, the Legion helps the Canadians to pay tribute and remember.
For your information, the role of the Guerre et Paix en Ardennes Museum is to present the history of the Ardennes during the three wars in 1870, 1914-1918 and 1939-1945.
The official inauguration date has been scheduled for 22 January 2018, to celebrate the 55th anniversary of the cooperation and friendship treaty between France and Germany, signed at the Elysée by the German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer and President Charles de Gaulle. This date is particularly symbolic for the Museum as it laid the foundations for a solid, constructive peace after years of fratricidal wars.
Since the 23 January 2018, the public is able to take possession of the new Museum facilities and experience a real immersion in History, in images and sound.